Environmental Health and Safety 2013 Annual Report

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Radon is a colorless, odorless, naturally occurring gas found in Iowa soil.

Fortunately, radon can be detected and mitigated. Our team of experts has the knowledge to detect unseen radon dangers and consult on the design and installation of systems to reduce the hazard.

In 2012, preliminary testing determined that some Frederiksen Court student apartments contained elevated levels of radon.

EH&S collaborated with Department of Residence to install radon mitigation systems in existing apartment complexes, and build systems into the new complexes completed in 2013. Testing continued with the placement of 394 additional kits. Evaluation of system effectiveness is on-going.

Additional radon testing occurred at the Knoll, Biorenewables Research Laboratory, Catt Hall, and Childcare at Veterinary Medicine. No levels exceeded the EPA action level at these locations.

Valuable Resource

EH&S staff has always been accessible and willing to provide assistance when requested. We value their collaboration and the specific areas of expertise they provide. They serve as a valuable resource and it is important that we continue our partnership to provide the safest and highest quality living experience for our students and working environment for our employees.

Dave Bunker – Safety Coordinator
Iowa State University Department of Residence